Guidelines For Presenters


Important Announcement for Presenters

Dear Presenters,

We are excited to have you as part of our upcoming COSC 2024.

To ensure a smooth and consistent experience, all selected abstracts must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Free Paper & Poster Discussion:

    • Presenters are required to use the official powerpoint template for slide preparation. This template is designed to maintain uniformity and professionalism across all presentations. 
    • Kindly download the template here: COSC2024 PRESENTATION SLIDE TEMPLATE
  2. E-Poster Requirements:

    • All e-posters must use the designated template provided. This ensures that all e-posters adhere to a standard format and are visually cohesive.
    • Please download the template here: E-POSTER TEMPLATE
    • Save your completed e-poster as a PDF file to preserve its layout and content.
    • Please submit your e-poster by 1st September 2024. The committee will review all submissions and, should any issues arise, we will reach out to you to assist with necessary adjustments. Timely submission will help ensure all changes can be made well before the event.

Thank you for your cooperation and attention to these details. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

New Updates and Reminders for E-Poster Presenters

1/ Presenters are not allowed to edit the abstract section, as it has already been reviewed and finalized.

2/ If there are any corrections/comments from reviewer, please make the necessary updates in your e-poster.

3/ All participants are AUTOMATICALLY OPTED IN for MJM abstract publication, UNLESS you select the option of OPT OUT.

4/ For photography contest, all participants are AUTOMATICALLY OPTED OUT for MyJo Cover page UNLESS you choose the option to opt in.

5/ Please review all sections and components on the dashboard carefully to ensure that no important details are overlooked. 

Step-by-Step Guide for E-Poster Preparation

Step-by-Step Guide For Uploading E-Poster on Abstract Portal

Guidelines For Abstract Submission

1. The abstract must be written in English, typewritten in Arial font, size 11 pt. 

2. The title must be brief, concise and in CAPITALS. Avoid using abbreviations in the title.

3.   AUTHORSFIRST (PRESENTING) AUTHOR – The first author will be the presenting author. The first (presenting) author is expected to register and pay the full registration fee, attend the conference and make the presentation.

4.  CO-AUTHOR(S) – A maximum of FIVE co-authors are allowed for each abstract. Type in the names and affiliations as you would like them to appear in any publications. Please give the names in full for each of the co-authors. Initials are only accepted for middle names if any.

5.  The text of the abstract must not exceed 250 words and should be typed single-spaced with only the left margin justified. Graphs, tables, figures, illustrations and references cannot be included in the abstract.

6.  The structure of the abstract (for cross sectional, cohort, case control, etc) should be as follows:

a.     Purpose – Aim of investigation

b.    Methods – Study design, patients or animals, methods of investigations and analysis

c. Results – A summary of results obtained

d. Conclusions – A statement of conclusions reached

7.  The structure of the abstract (for case report, case series) should be as follows:

a. Introduction – Brief overview on why the case is important and its clinical impact

b. Methods – Case report or case series

c. Case presentation – A summary of the case report or case series

d. Conclusions – A summary of medical decisions or recommendation based on present case or educational message

8.  Please define each abbreviation the first time it is used in the abstract by placing what it stands for in parentheses.

9.  It is the author’s responsibility to submit an abstract with correct spelling and grammar. The Scientific Committee, however, reserves the right to edit the abstract if it has significant spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Guidelines for Submission of Photograph

  1. To participate, delegates can submit photo(s) related to four themed categories in ophthalmology.
  • The eyes are the window of the soul – images of anterior segment photography taken with any devices or techniques such as digital camera, slit lamp, gonioscopy, etc.
  • Listen to the eyes, they have much to say – images of posterior segment photography with any devices or techniques such as fundus photography including color and monochromatic.
  • Lost in your eyes is where I want to be – images of ocular imaging including fundus fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, optical coherence tomography, etc.
  • One glance, no words required – miscellaneous images such as ophthalmology team at work, community service, community screening, people with visual impairment etc.
  1. No photo editing including usage of artificial intelligence is allowed, except for technical enhancements such as contrast and brightness adjustments, cropping and composite (eg. Fundus montage photo
  2. Please provide an appropriate title, which can be creative and not necessarily the diagnosis of the disease shown
  3. Please provide a brief description of each image or a message behind the image (less than 100 words)
  4. The minimum resolution of each image is 1200 x 1600 pixels at 300 dpi
  5. Image must be submitted in .tif (TIFF), .png (PNG), or highest quality .jpg .jpeg (JPG) format.
  6. Image submitted must not exceed 2MB.
  7. Entry is limited to original works that have not been formerly displayed or exhibited and for which the contestant holds all applicable rights.
  8. The contestant must certify and warrant that the submitted photo(s) do(es) not violate the copyrights or other rights of any third party.
  9. The contestant must not identify the patient(s) of whom the photos were taken.
  10. No identification of the patient(s) is to be displayed on the photo(s).
  11. Submitted photos will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The review process is confidential and the decision is final.